Thursday, March 20, 2008

"Are You Ready for Easter?"

I'll be damned if one more person asks me if I'm "ready for Easter". I know that's like... a random small-talk conversation starter and all, but I'm not sure what all that entails. This morning, someone asked me and my co-worker if we were ready for Easter and we both said "no" real slow and kinda low. We chuckled and then I said, "well, I don't really have much to get ready for" and my co-worker said "yeah, I guess that should have been our response".

So, just now, someone else asked and I just said, "sure"... I swear, these people are going to make me ready whether I want to be or not. So, does being "ready for Easter" mean having my white patent leather shoes ready? My frilly pastel colored dress with lots of ribbons? My plastic-woven Easter hat? I don't know. I don't have kids, so it's not like I have to get those items for them. Maybe they mean, do I have my Honeybaked Ham order in? Have I purchased my eggs and dye? *shrugs*

I guess the only thing that's next is... "Are you ready for Spring?" Oy Vey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Buying a cheesy light colored dress? white shoe shopping?, buying an assortment of gross candy??, feeling guilty in front of the lord??, rehearsing the words Peter Cottontail???

I mean wtf?