Saturday, July 15, 2006

Diddy & Bentley

Here are pictures of the babies:

<--- Diddy

<--- Bentley

Yes, Diddy & Bentley. See, when I "found" Diddy, I initially called him "Kitty". But when we took him in, got his shots, got him neutered so his piss wouldn't stink, I figured he'd need a REAL name. So he wouldn't be confused, I went with the next best thing to "Kitty" and that was "Diddy".

Here's Diddy when he was just an outsider hanging around the house:

I adopted Diddy when I still had Spicey:

Spicey passed away, so we needed to get a buddy for Diddy. I adopted another kitten by the name of "Seiko" from a local pet shelter in conjunction with Pet Smart. I quickly changed his name. Guess what I changed it to?

Yes. I changed his name to Bentley. I think "Making the Band" with the thugs was on. What were they called? "Da Band" or some shit like that.

Anyway, here's MY Bentley:

I found this picture of him from the shelter's listings. They hadn't taken him off the list, yet, and I found a picture of him as a baby.

<--- would you look at those ears! awwww

It took Diddy a while to warm up to Bentley. They're about a year and a half apart. It's such a big brother/little step-brother situation. Diddy doesn't want to be bothered half the time, but he entertains Bentley. They groom each other (allo-grooming), play together, run around the house, etc. They get along very well for the most part.

They're not always cuddled up. And when they are, Diddy's the unwilling party. Diddy usually minds his business, trying to be "the man" and Bentley is the cuddler. It's sooo cute, but I imagine it's annoying as hell to Diddy.

Although cats' faces are always expressionless, Bentley always looks "happy to be there" and Diddy always looks...bothered.

I've always been a pet person. I've been a dog person for the longest, but for some reason, these SCATS (what I used to call cats to my dog) have come into my life. Hell, I have more patience for pets than I do people. People can bite me. But I'll fight a kid (yeah, the lil products of a broken condom next door) for my Diddy & Bentley.

1 comment:

Julia_Claudine_Deveraux said...

Those are some hot pieces of kitty ass you have there! Such sexy beasts. That dog is hunk of burning love. How do you handle so much sexiness in your household? LOL!